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Washington, DC


Job Number: 6003123
  • Washington, DC
  • Locum Tenens
  • Pediatrics/Hospitalist


Washington, DC
  • Shifts available: March 3-7, 7am-5:30pm; March 17-21, 7am-5:30pm; April 17-18 7am-5:30pm; Weekdays: 8-5 ish pm M-F in person; Weekends: Approx 8am-12pm in person on weekends plus additional call by phone from 5pm on Friday til 5pm Sunday; Weekday Evening Call: Overnight call starts at 5pm and ends at 8am. It is by phone. Average 1-3 calls per night.
  • Types of Cases: stabilization of patients with malnutrition or bradycardia due to eating disorders, treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease, stabilization of patients with opioid withdrawal or hyperemesis due to marijuana use, treatment of patients with severe anemia due to abnormal uterine bleeding.
  • Supervision or independent: There is a fellow and a resident in house and on call.

About D&Y

D&Y has become a leader in healthcare staffing by matching quality healthcare providers with quality practice environments. In fact, 90% of the healthcare professionals who have contracted with us continue to contract with us again and again. The services we offer include bi-weekly pay (we can even direct deposit it for you), provision of liability insurance, coordination of licensure, paid travel and accommodations, and a D&Y representative available to assist you 24 hours a day, from the first time you call until your contract assignment is complete.